I have to say that these babies are my new favorite thing. I usually make steak tacos. I have never thought I should do shrimp or chicken or fish... I just stuck with steak they tasted great and everyone likes them.
I was at the grocery store a couple weeks ago standing in the seafood dept. I thought what can I make with shrimp, something new... then tacos popped in my head. I've never made them and didn't really know where to start besides buying the shrimp and the rest of the groceries and heading home. I told Nathan my idea and he suggested I make the steak and try some shrimp on the side in case we didn't like them. So I only cooked a handful of shrimp and made the steak as usual. Well when we sat down to eat I was disappointed I didn't make a million shrimp. They were delish, I was hooked! I hope you try these out! I know if you like shrimp and you like tacos you will love love love these. If you don't then you're a weirdo! haahaa just kidding, no really I will think you're a weirdo cuz they are great!
I bought 1lb of 21-25 count fresh shrimp. 21-25 count means that is how many you will get in a pound.
I took the shells off, washed, and devained them, put them in a medium bowl.

Cut one lime in half, poke with a fork

Squeeze the juice into the bowl.

Buy this, it is great! I got it from Pampered Chef, I know I know you can't just go to the store and buy it, but it is worth it!!

Add one tablespoon

You can use a Serrano or JalapeƱo pepper it is up to you. I like the Serrano

Cut in half

take all the seeds and such out.

chop finely, add to the bowl.

Grab a handful of Cilantro off the bundle.

Chop up, add half to the shrimp and save half for garnish later.

Mix all the shrimp and ingredients together and set aside to marinate

Start the rice. For every cup of rice and twice the amount of water, for example 1cup rice 2cups water

Set the temp to high add the rice and water and cover. When the water starts to boil reduce heat to low and let it sit for 15 minutes. Half way through add two tablespoons butter, a little salt, pepper and some of the jerk season you used in the shrimp marinade.

Open a jar of this, mango salsa

Put some in a little cup, put on a plate with the rest of the cilantro and cut up some avocado in to strips, and a few lime wedges.

Open a bag of these 4'' white corn tortillas use as many as you will need,

I used 12 for me Nathan and the two small girls.
In a small sauce pan heat some canola oil. Heat each tortilla for about 10 seconds on each side, just to make soft.
Put on a paper towel to take off excess oil

When you are done heating the tortilla shells heat two table spoons butter on medium high heat.

When the butter is melted and the pan is screaming hot add the shrimp and all the marinade. Cook for about three minutes.

Turn over each shrimp when they look like this, cook for a couple more minutes,

Then when the sauce starts to get sticky mix the shrimp around. The shrimp will be a little charred and I love it like this! A little crunch is nice.

Remove from the pan, and add some lime juice.

Then build your taco, add a little rice, a slice of avocado, some of the mango salsa, the shrimp and garnish with cilantro and squeeze some lime on top.. Wow Yum!